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Access the INTERNORGA discount campaign from STALGAST, SARO & Co. APRIL 2024 now. Now available here: photovoltaic modules, SUNGROW inverters, batteries and buffer storage.
Access the INTERNORGA discount campaign from STALGAST, SARO & Co. APRIL 2024 now. Now available here: photovoltaic modules, SUNGROW inverters, batteries and buffer storage.

Himalaya toothpaste - different types

from ELB gastro
450.0g | €5,43 / 100g
SKU SHZ455-6x75P

Alkaline toothpaste with Himalayan salt and seven plants neutralizes acids and supports the natural defense function of the oral flora. With xylitol. Without synthetic flavorings and preservatives. For fresh breath, not suitable for children.

PU: 6 x 75 g tube

Different types:
Sage, clove, mint