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Access the INTERNORGA discount campaign from STALGAST, SARO & Co. APRIL 2024 now. Now available here: photovoltaic modules, SUNGROW inverters, batteries and buffer storage.
Access the INTERNORGA discount campaign from STALGAST, SARO & Co. APRIL 2024 now. Now available here: photovoltaic modules, SUNGROW inverters, batteries and buffer storage.

Perladin intensive cleaner

1.0l | €4,40 / l
SKU PE803058

Liquid acid and chlorine-free sanitary cleaner for use on all surfaces in the sanitary area. Dissolves daily soiling caused by lime and soap residues, as well as oil and grease-containing dirt. The treated surfaces are water and dirt repellent. Particularly gentle cleaning of the fittings; fresh smelling.

PDF documents:
Product description