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Access the INTERNORGA discount campaign from STALGAST, SARO & Co. APRIL 2024 now. Now available here: photovoltaic modules, SUNGROW inverters, batteries and buffer storage.
Access the INTERNORGA discount campaign from STALGAST, SARO & Co. APRIL 2024 now. Now available here: photovoltaic modules, SUNGROW inverters, batteries and buffer storage.

Organic whole cane sugar Panela

from ELB gastro
375.0g | €8,53 / kg
SKU SHZ718-1x375

The whole cane sugar comes from fair trade with farmers. Made in South America using traditional methods and not refined. The sugar cane juice is gently dried and ground. In this way, many of the natural components of sugar cane are preserved. Typical caramel taste. Ideal for sweetening food and drinks.

Contents: 375 g