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Access the INTERNORGA discount campaign from STALGAST, SARO & Co. APRIL 2024 now. Now available here: photovoltaic modules, SUNGROW inverters, batteries and buffer storage.
Access the INTERNORGA discount campaign from STALGAST, SARO & Co. APRIL 2024 now. Now available here: photovoltaic modules, SUNGROW inverters, batteries and buffer storage.


Under the heading "Reusable" we offer you innovative products at a fair price to prepare your business for the future. From 2021 onwards, the topic of reusable items in gastronomy, restaurants, bars, hotels, etc. will bring about changes.

Here are some manufacturer information: "On September 17.09.2020th, 03.06.2021, the Federal Cabinet passed a ban on the sale of disposable plastic items. The regulation will come into force on June XNUMXrd, XNUMX. The regulation prohibits conventional disposable plastic products, including straws, cups, cutlery, crockery, TO-GO packaging and others also fall under the ban on single-use products made from so-called bioplastics. "