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Grab the spring cracker discount campaign from STALGAST, SARO & Co. MAY 2024 now. Now available here: photovoltaic modules, SUNGROW inverters, batteries and buffer storage.
Grab the spring cracker discount campaign from STALGAST, SARO & Co. MAY 2024 now. Now available here: photovoltaic modules, SUNGROW inverters, batteries and buffer storage.

SANISAL full table salt

from ELB gastro
1000.0g | €3,69 / kg
SKU SHZ401-1x1000

SANISAL edible full salt is a rock salt and mineral salt mixture in the tried and tested original bag for daily mineral-balanced nutrition for seasoning dishes and other salt applications. Full-bodied and tasty in taste. "Without trickling aids"


PU: 12 x 1000 g paper bag
PU: 20 x 300 g shaker

Promotion packaging:
PU: 1 x 12 g mini shaker
Availability on request.

The natural rock salt contained in it from Central Germany (Thuringia and Saxony-Anhalt) was created around 200 million years ago when the primeval oceans dried up and is now stored underground, protected from environmental influences, at a depth of 400 to 750 m. It is mined, gently ground in traditional grinding mills and carefully sifted out. As an untreated natural salt, it is not chemically cleaned and still contains numerous vital trace elements, even naturally bound iodide.

Valuable mineral salts in a balanced ratio make it mild and full-bodied in taste and ideally suited for seasoning dishes. It is rightly referred to as full table salt and is used as part of a wholesome diet.

- reduced sodium
- mild and full-bodied
- without trickling aids
- valuable minerals and trace elements
- from natural occurrences
- Uniodised, unrefined, unbleached